Homoeopathic Medicine Board
2 Nabi Ullah Road, Near City Station, Lucknow
College Details

Institute Details

Name of Institute/College Acharya homeopathic college Complete Postal Address Vill+post- Bhagalpur ,block-bhagalpur
State Uttar Pradesh District Deoria
Pin Code 274506 STD Code
Landline No. Fax No.
E-mail acharyapharmacygnm@gmail.com Year of Establishment 2019
Status of course conducting body Private Proposal Of the Society/Trust/Organization

Principal Details

Name : sadhana gond
Designation : director
Aadhar No. : 672083855739
Address : salempur
District : Deoria
State : Uttar Pradesh
Pin Code : 274602
Does the College/Institute also Operate any other Course/Educational Establishment in same Building/Campus? : No

Primary Contact Details

Name sadhana gond Designation director
E-mail mbmcollege1@gmail.com Mobile No. 7521911154
STD Code Landline No.
Fax No.
Office Address Details
Office Address bhagalpur State Uttar Pradesh
District Deoria Pincode 274602
Residence Address Details
Residence Address bhagalpur State Uttar Pradesh
District Deoria Pin Code 274602

Details of the head of the Institution/Director

Name of the head of the Institution/Director sadhana gond Designation director
Aadhar No 672083855739 Address salempur
District Deoria State Uttar Pradesh
Pin Code 274602 Does the College/Institute also Operate any other Course/Educational Establishment in same Building/Campus? No

Status of D.H.P. Course

Independent Building Wing of another College
Separate Campus Multi Institutional Campus